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1 Rib lamb Loin – 75mm Chump On

No. per carton: approx. 22 Carton weight: approx. 23kg
The 1 rib loin, or shortloin, is prepared by splitting an 8 rib loin chump on between the 12th and 13th ribs creating the 1 rib loin and a lamb rack. Rib length - 75mm

Boneless extra mutton leg

Frozen boneless mutton leg with fat cover shank off, chump on. Grades: - Minus 2,1 kg - 2,1 - 2,5 kg - Plus 2,5 kg


Boneless mutton shank

Frozen meat product consisting of boneless fore and hind shanks. Fore and hind shank ratio may vary.

Shanks are boned and tendon removed. The product is frozen in block.

Boneless mutton shoulder shank off

Frozen meat product consisting of shoulder without the shank 85% lean meat minimum.

Shoulder is separated from the forequarter slash boned and shank removed.

Boneless mutton shoulder shank on

Frozen meat product consisting of shoulder with the shank 85% lean meat minimum.

Shoulder is separated from the forequarter slash boned.

Boneless mutton shoulder shank on vacuum pack

Frozen meat product consisting of shoulder with the shank 85% lean meat minimum.

Shoulder is separated from the forequarter slash boned and the shank is removed partially.

Boneless netted mutton leg

Boneless mutton leg shank off. Legs are 2,5 kg plus with fat cover.

Leg is separated from the carcass including the chump, shank is removed. Legs are tunnel boned manually then netted and vacuum packed.

Frenched Rack – 50/0 Denuded

No. per carton: approx. 14 x 2/VP Carton weight: approx. 10kg
This cut is prepared from a rack. The chine and feather bones are removed leaving the ribs so that they can be separated by knife. The eye of the meat and the ribs are then cleaned of all meat and fat coverage.

Frenched Rack – 75/25 – Seamed

No. per carton: approx. 14 x 2/VP Carton weight: approx. 10.5kg
This cut is prepared from a standard rack. The chine and feather bones are removed leaving the ribs so that they can be separated by knife. The fell is removed by following the natural seam above the eye of the meat. The ribs are cleaned of all meat and fat (frenched) to a distance 25mm from the eye of the meat. Optional specifications:
  • rib length
  • length of frenching.

Lamb best end 8 ribs

Lamb best end 8 ribs

  • GR Παϊδάκια 8 πλευρών
  • EN Best end 8 ribs
  • DE Rücken 8 rippen
  • FR Carré 8 côtes
  • IT  Carré a 8 costole
  • ES Lomo 8 costillas

Lamb Boneless Chumps – Cap On

No. per carton: approx. 12 x 4/VP Carton weight: approx. 13kg
This cut is removed from a part-boned leg by a straight cut 5-10 mm below the round of the femur bone leaving the fat cap, or fell intact.

Lamb Boneless Chumps – Denuded

No. per carton: approx. 20 x 4/VP Carton weight: approx. 16kg
This cut is removed from a part-boned leg by a straight cut 5-10mm below the round of the femur bone leaving the fat cap, or fell intact. The cap is subsequently removed by hand, and any residual fat is fully trimmed leaving only the heart of the rump.

Lamb Boneless Leg – Shank Off Chump Off

Boneless Leg - Shank Off Chump Off

No. per carton: approx. 10 Carton weight: approx. 13kg
This cut is prepared from the bone in leg. The femur bone is removed by the 'tunnel bone' technique so as to leave the boneless leg in its natural shape. Optional specifications:
  • Chump left intact
  • Leg can be netted

Lamb Boneless Loins – Silverskin Removed

No. per carton: approx. 18 x 4/VP Carton weight: approx. 15.5kg
This cut is the eye of meat from the loin or shortloin. The gristle, excessive fat and silverskin are removed to leave only the loin muscle intact. Optional specifications: Silverskin left intact

Lamb brain

Lamb brain

  • GR Μυαλά
  • EN Brain
  • DE Hirn
  • FR Cervelle
  • IT  Cervella
  • ES Sesos

Lamb breast flank on

Lamb breast flank on

  • GR Στήθος με λάπα
  • EN Breast flank on
  • DE Brust mit lappen
  • FR Poitrine avec flanchet
  • IT  Petto con pancia
  • ES Pecho con falda

Lamb carcass E

Lamb carcass E

  • GR Σφάγιο Ε
  • EN Carcass E
  • DE Karkasse E
  • FR Carcasse E
  • IT  Carcassa E
  • ES Carcasa E

Lamb carcass O

Lamb carcass O

  • GR Σφάγιο O
  • EN Carcass O
  • DE Karkasse O
  • FR Carcasse O
  • IT  Carcassa O
  • ES Carcasa O

Lamb carcass P

Lamb carcass P

  • GR Σφάγιο P
  • EN Carcass P
  • DE Karkasse P
  • FR Carcasse P
  • IT  Carcassa P
  • ES Carcasa P

Lamb carcass R

Lamb carcass R

  • GR Σφάγιο R
  • EN Carcass R
  • DE Karkasse R
  • FR Carcasse R
  • IT  Carcassa R
  • ES Carcasa R

Lamb carcass S

Lamb carcass S

  • GR Σφάγιο S
  • EN Carcass S
  • DE Karkasse S
  • FR Carcasse S
  • IT  Carcassa S
  • ES Carcasa S

Lamb carcass U

Lamb carcass U

  • GR Σφάγιο U
  • EN Carcass U
  • DE Karkasse U
  • FR Carcasse U
  • IT  Carcassa U
  • ES Carcasa U

Lamb casings

Lamb casings.

Casings are cleaned and knotted. Three casings/ knot. Product is then bagged.

Lamb casings block frozen

Lamb casings.

Casings are cleaned and knotted. Three casings/knot. Product is then bagged and frozen in block.

Lamb caul fat

Lamb caul fat.

Every membrane is cleaned and chilled, then bagged. Five membranes/bag.

Lamb cutlet end

Lamb cutlet end

  • GR Παϊδάκια δεύτερα
  • EN Cutlet end
  • DE Kotelettstück
  • FR Premières côtes
  • IT  Costoletta
  • ES Chuleta

Lamb feet

Lamb feet skinned and frozen.

The feet are separated from the carcass, then cleaned in hot water in washing and skinning maschine. Once clean and skinned, the product is packed and frozen.

Lamb feet block frozen

Lamb feet skinned and frozen in block.

The feet are separated from the carcass. The feet are cleaned in hot water in the washing and skinning maschine, then packed and frozen.

Lamb Flaps


No. per carton: Bulk Packed Carton weight: approx. 20kg
The flaps are the residual portion of the ribs and belly left after the loin or saddle has been removed from the rib cage.

Lamb forequarter – Breast Off

Lamb forequarter

  • GR Μπούτι
  • EN Forequarter
  • DE Vorderviertel mit rücken
  • FR Basse
  • IT  Busto con carré
  • ES Delantero con lomo

Lamb forequarter flank-on

Lamb forequarter flank-on

  • GR Εμπρόσθιο τσατάλι με λάπα
  • EN Forequarter flank-on
  • DE Vorderviertel mit lappen
  • FR BAsse avec flanchet
  • IT  Buston con pancia
  • ES Delanntero doble con falda

Lamb head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)

Lamb head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)

  • GR Κεφάλι (Χωρίς μάτια, χωρίς γλώσσα ,γδαρμένο)
  • EN Head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)
  • DE Kopf (ohne augen, ohne zunge, enthäutet)
  • FR Tête (sans yeux, sans langue, sans peau)
  • IT  Testa (senza occhi, senza lingua, senza pelle)
  • ES Cabeza (sin ojos, sin lengua, sin piel)

Lamb heads

Lamb heads skinned.

Each head is cleaned and skinned, then individually bagged and frozen.

Lamb heart

Lamb heart

  • GR Καρδιά
  • EN Heart
  • DE Herz
  • FR Coeur
  • IT  Cuore
  • ES Corazón

Lamb hearts block frozen

Frozen lamb hearts.

The hearts are separated from the plucks and the pericardiac fat is cut off, then the product is frozen naked in block.

Lamb hinds and ends with fat and kidneys

Lamb hinds and ends with fat and kidneys

  • GR Τσατάλι με ράχη, λίπος και νεφρά
  • EN Hinds and ends with fat and kidneys
  • DE Lammpistole mit fett und nieren
  • FR Pan double avec graisse et rognons
  • IT  Sella con grasso e rognoni
  • ES Pistola con grasa y riñones

Lamb kidneys

Lamb kidneys

  • GR Νεφρά
  • EN Kidneys
  • DE Nieren
  • FR Rognons
  • IT  Rognoni
  • ES Riñones

Lamb leg

Lamb leg

  • GR Μπούτι
  • EN Leg
  • DE Keule
  • FR Gigot
  • IT  Coscetto
  • ES Pierna

Lamb Leg Part Boned – Shank Off Chump Off

No. per carton: approx. 8 Carton weight: approx. 13.5 kg
This cut is also known as an FBO or femur bone only leg, chump off. It is prepared from a full leg by removal of the aitch bone and sacral vertebrae. The leg is trimmed of glands and excess fat. The boneless chump and shank are subsequently removed.

Lamb Leg Part Boned – Shank On Chump Off

Lamb leg unsplit

  • GR Διπλό οπίσθιο τεταρτημόριο
  • EN Leg unsplit
  • DE Keule doppelt
  • FR Cullote
  • IT  Coppia di cosciotto
  • ES Pierna doble

Lamb Leg Part Boned – Shank On Chump On

No. per carton: approx. 10 Carton weight: approx. 20kg
This cut is also known as an ABO or aitch bone removed leg chump on. It is prepared from a full leg by removal of the aitch bone and sacral vertebrae. The leg is trimmed of glands and excess fat. The knuckle tip is subsequently removed.

Lamb Leg Steaks

No. per carton: approx. 26 x 2/VP Carton weight: approx 10.5kg
The leg steaks are derived from a part boned chump off lamb leg. Slices are cut to a thickness of 20mm from the chump end through to the hindshank. Leg steaks are the cutlets which contain the circular femur bone.

Lamb liver

Lamb liver

  • GR Συκώτι
  • EN Liver
  • DE Leber
  • FR Foie
  • IT  Fegato
  • ES Hígado

Lamb loin deboned and lamb fillet

Lamb loin deboned and lamb fillet

  • GR Σέλα χωρίς κόκκαλα και αρνίσιο φιλέτο
  • EN Loin deboned and lamb fillet
  • DE Rücken ohne knochen und lammfilet
  • FR Carré désossé et filet d'agneau
  • IT  Carré d'agnello disossato e filetto d'agnello
  • ES Lomo de cordero deshuesdao y filete de cordero

Lamb mesentery

Frozen lamb mesentery.

The mesentery are cleaned and chilled. Then the product is bagged, approx. 10 mesentery / bag, and frozen.

Lamb neck bone-in

Lamb neck bone-in

  • GR Λαιμός
  • EN Neck bone-in
  • DE Nacken mit knochen
  • FR Collier avec os
  • IT  Collo con osso
  • ES Pescuezo

Lamb pluck (lung, heart, liver)

Lamb pluck (lung, heart, liver)

  • GR Συκωταριά (πνευμόνια, καρδιά, συκώτι)
  • EN Pluck (lung, heart, liver)
  • DE Innereien (lunge, herz, leber)
  • FR Abats (poumon, Coeur, foie)
  • IT  Interiora (polmone, cuore, fegato)
  • ES Asadura (bofe, corazón, hígado)

Lamb plucks

Lamb lung, liver and heart.

Product is first chilled then every pluck is individually bagged and frozen.

Lamb short saddle

Lamb short saddle

  • GR Παϊδάκια
  • EN Short saddle
  • DE Nierenstück
  • FR Selle anglaise
  • IT  Carré
  • ES Silla

Lamb shoulder bone-in

Lamb shoulder bone-in

  • GR Σπάλα με κόκκαλο
  • EN Shoulder bone-in
  • DE Schulter mit knochen
  • FR Épaule avec os
  • IT  Spalla con osso
  • ES Paletilla con hueso

Lamb sweetbreads

Lamb sweetbreads

  • GR Γλυκάδια
  • EN Sweetbreads
  • DE Bries
  • FR Ris d'agneau
  • IT  Animelle
  • ES Mollejas

Lamb tongue without larynx

Lamb tongue without larynx

  • GR Γλώσσα χωρίς λάρρυγα
  • EN Tongue without larynx
  • DE Zunge ohne kehlkopf
  • FR Langue sans larynx
  • IT  Lingua senza laringe
  • ES Lengua sin laringe

Lamb tripes

Frozen product consisting of cleaned lamb tripes.

The tripes are emptied of any residues, then cleaned and rinsed in hot water and bleached. The final product is packed and frozen.

Lamb tripes block frozen

Frozen meat consisting of cleaned lamb tripes.

The tripes are emptied of any residues, then cleaned and rinsed in hot water. The final product is packed and frozen in block .

Lean mutton leg block shank off

Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump,without the shank, legs are slash boned and trimmed. Final product is frozen in blocks.

Lean mutton leg block shank on

Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump and the shank,legs are slash boned and trimmed. Final product is frozen in blocks.

Lean mutton leg IWP

Frozen boneless mutton leg shank off.

Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump. Legs are slash boned, trimmed and shank removed.

Loin Cutlets – 75mm Chump Off

No. per carton: - Carton weight: approx. 10kg
This cut is prepared from a 75mm chump off, 8 rib or 1 rib loin. The loin is sliced into cutlets of 17mm thickness through the backbone. Rib length - 75mm

Mutton chops

Frozen meat product consisting of mutton chops.

Frozen mutton rack is bandsawn producing IQF chops.

Mutton fat

Frozen meat product, consisting of mutton carcass fat. Peri-renal fat is excluded.

This product is the result of removing the excess fat from different cuts of the carcass like: legs, shoulders, necks, loins, etc.

Mutton hind shank bone in

The shanks are separated from the legs, cutting at the joint. The tail is cut off. Finally, the product is frozen in IQF.

Mutton leg ABO

Frozen meat product consisting of large mutton legs bone in with little fat cover.

Legs are separated and the chump and shank are left on. The aitch bone and knuckle tip at the rise of the shank meat are removed. The final product is packed individually and frozen.

Mutton leg CKT

Frozen meat product consisting of mutton leg bone in with little fat cover.

Legs are separated from the back quarters of the carcass. The bone is left in and the chump, knuckle tip and tail are cut off. The final product is packed individually and frozen.

Mutton leg skewers

Skewers made of mutton leg dice.

The mutton leg is boned and trimmed then cut into dices of 25-35 g. Skewers have 6 dices each. Product is then frozen and packed.

Mutton membrane and trim

Frozen silver skin and trims.

Frozen meat product consisting of the silver skin that is removed from backstraps, tenderloins and legs and the small trims attached to it.

Mutton shoulder bone in

Frozen mutton shoulder bone in.

Shoulder blade is separated from the carcass along the rib cage. Shanck is on. Each shoulder is wrapped in film and then frozen down.

Mutton skewers

Skewers made of the neck and shoulder dice.

The neck and shoulder are trimmed and boned then cut into dices of 30-40 g. Skewers have 4 dices each. Product is then frozen and packed.

Suckling-lamb carcass

Suckling-lamb carcass

  • GR Αρνάκι γάλακτος σφάγιο
  • EN Suckling-lamb carcass
  • DE Milchlamm karkasse
  • FR Agneau de lait carcasse
  • IT  Agnello da latte carcassa
  • ES Carcassa de cordero lechal

Tenderloin – Butt On

No. per carton: approx. 16 x 7/VP Carton weight: approx. 11.5kg
The tenderloin is removed from the inside of the loin cavity. The side muscle is removed and the tenderloin is trimmed of any excess fat.