Showing 49–60 of 94 results

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Lamb caul fat

Lamb caul fat.

Every membrane is cleaned and chilled, then bagged. Five membranes/bag.

Lamb cutlet end

Lamb cutlet end

  • GR Παϊδάκια δεύτερα
  • EN Cutlet end
  • DE Kotelettstück
  • FR Premières côtes
  • IT  Costoletta
  • ES Chuleta

Lamb feet

Lamb feet skinned and frozen.

The feet are separated from the carcass, then cleaned in hot water in washing and skinning maschine. Once clean and skinned, the product is packed and frozen.

Lamb feet block frozen

Lamb feet skinned and frozen in block.

The feet are separated from the carcass. The feet are cleaned in hot water in the washing and skinning maschine, then packed and frozen.

Lamb Flaps


No. per carton: Bulk Packed Carton weight: approx. 20kg
The flaps are the residual portion of the ribs and belly left after the loin or saddle has been removed from the rib cage.

Lamb forequarter – Breast Off

Lamb forequarter

  • GR Μπούτι
  • EN Forequarter
  • DE Vorderviertel mit rücken
  • FR Basse
  • IT  Busto con carré
  • ES Delantero con lomo

Lamb forequarter flank-on

Lamb forequarter flank-on

  • GR Εμπρόσθιο τσατάλι με λάπα
  • EN Forequarter flank-on
  • DE Vorderviertel mit lappen
  • FR BAsse avec flanchet
  • IT  Buston con pancia
  • ES Delanntero doble con falda

Lamb head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)

Lamb head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)

  • GR Κεφάλι (Χωρίς μάτια, χωρίς γλώσσα ,γδαρμένο)
  • EN Head (Without eyes, without tongue and skinned)
  • DE Kopf (ohne augen, ohne zunge, enthäutet)
  • FR Tête (sans yeux, sans langue, sans peau)
  • IT  Testa (senza occhi, senza lingua, senza pelle)
  • ES Cabeza (sin ojos, sin lengua, sin piel)

Lamb heads

Lamb heads skinned.

Each head is cleaned and skinned, then individually bagged and frozen.

Lamb heart

Lamb heart

  • GR Καρδιά
  • EN Heart
  • DE Herz
  • FR Coeur
  • IT  Cuore
  • ES Corazón

Lamb hearts block frozen

Frozen lamb hearts.

The hearts are separated from the plucks and the pericardiac fat is cut off, then the product is frozen naked in block.

Lamb hinds and ends with fat and kidneys

Lamb hinds and ends with fat and kidneys

  • GR Τσατάλι με ράχη, λίπος και νεφρά
  • EN Hinds and ends with fat and kidneys
  • DE Lammpistole mit fett und nieren
  • FR Pan double avec graisse et rognons
  • IT  Sella con grasso e rognoni
  • ES Pistola con grasa y riñones